
Our aim is to achieve zero wear on the main parts of the vehicle. Freeze efficiency and reliability at the level of new vehicle.

Put car health in your hands

Fuel consumption is not only a cost issue, but more importantly, it reflects the health of a car. The low consumption means that the car consumes less energy on useless work. This part of energy will eventually be converted into waste heat, which is the root cause of many failures.

Running parts encounter resistance, which is the source of useless work. The bigger the dynamic fit clearance of the parts, the greater the running resistance. The increase in the dynamic fit clearance is the result of wear and tear, which has become the focus of car health. If you can have a way to stop the wear and tear, then the health of car is in your hands.We will provide you with everything you need to stop wear and tear.

engine inside
AT inside
  • Wear and tear determines lifespan of a car

    Eliminate wear and tear, rewrite the lifespan.

Why Choose MOSH

Make you more confident in your car

  • engine

    Sensitive dynamic response.

  • auto gearbox

    Smooth shifting, burnt free.

  • Transfer Gearbox

    Quiet and smooth.

  • Differential

    planetary gear wear free.

  • Air Conditioning

    always cool.

  • Power Steering

    Quiet and efficient.